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  • February 06, 2020 4:51 PM | Deleted user

    2020 Legislative Priorities (Approved 1.31.2020) The 2020 OSCC Legislative Priorities represents the legislative priorities of Oregon’s local business communities as represented by the 80 local Chambers of Commerce members of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce. The OSCC is organized to give a voice to the local business communities throughout Oregon in support of policies that enable business success, job growth and income growth in each of our local communities. We believe a healthy business climate, and the jobs that such a business climate creates, is the key to building up our local communities, adequately funding social services and making our state prosperous. The 2020 OSCC Legislative Agenda is a reflection of our collective desire to see that every Oregon community is able to grow and develop a vibrant local economy that can support each community’s needs. For 2020, OSCC requests that the Oregon legislature stay true to the intent of the short session by keeping focused on limited policy discussions, additional expenditures afforded by our growing economy, and policy adjustments stemming from the 2019 legislative session. The Members of the OSCC are united in support of: 1. Increased tourism investments (HB 4047) 2. Flexibility in administration of new CAT tax (HB 4009) 3. Investment in affordable housing & community – OAHTC & IDAs 4. Investment in local airports (HB 4036) 5. Investments in higher education 6. Investments in county fairgrounds 7. Additional BOLI Technical Assistance for Eastern Oregon (HB 4087) The Members of the OSCC are united in opposition to: 1. Cap-and-Trade (SB 1530) 2. Increasing the cost of private investment in Enterprise Zones (HB 4045) 3. Interfering with Employer/Employee non-compete agreements (SB 1527) 4. Unemployment benefits during labor disputes (HB 4007) 5. Elimination of Opportunity Zones (HB 4010) 6. Real Estate Transfer Taxes (HJR 203)

  • January 06, 2020 12:06 PM | Deleted user

    The Government and Economic Affairs committee is planning the meetings for the upcoming year! 

    To start off the year we are going to have Kyle Alexander, Atty, talk about legislative changes that can affect your business. A change on the Federal level in regards to overtime pay can be especially impactful to non-profits. We encourage you to join us on Jan. 8th at the Adventist Hospital conference room, lower level, to hear what he has to share and answer questions you have.

    In February we will have Christian Kaylor, State of Oregon economist, join us to share what he sees happening in 2020. This meeting is our probably our most well-attended for the year and we'd love to have you join us.

    This is an election year so we will have candidate forums coming up. 

    Beyond that we'd like to know what your concerns are in this economy. Do you have expertise in a particular are that you want to share with your fellow Chamber members?

    We want to help our members get the most exposure possible to get full benefit from their membership in EPCC.  Take advantage of the opportunities available to you through being a speaker, hosting a meeting at your business, or sharing what topics you'd like us to find speakers on! 

    Best wishes for a prosperous 2020!

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