Dear OSCC Members and Colleagues:
As summer is officially over and we have just completed the first Legislative Days preparing for the 2018 session, we are taking a moment to look back at the 2017 session.
OSCC was very engaged on our Legislative Priorities. We have compiled a recap of those issues most pertinent to our Priorities, as well as a report card on legislative votes. 2017 Legislative Recap and Report Card.
The 2017 session was unique. There were fewer votes in both legislative chambers on policy that impacted the business community than in past sessions. As described in the Legislative Recap, significant work, of which OSCC was a part, was done to stop many bills before they reached the floor for a vote in both legislative chambers.
Thank you for your active participation and grassroots engagement throughout the 2017 session. Your efforts made a difference.
Should you have questions or require further information, please reach out.
Best regards,
Alison Hart, Executive Director