The East Portland Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce this new education series!
On first Wednesdays, instead of our normal AM member meeting, we will host a business education series in the afternoon. We will start with a 3 part series (6 modules) about crafting or re-crafting a business plan, instructed by Ben Nolte.
This program is offered free to EPCC Members. For those that are not yet members of EPCC, the cost is $270 AND includes a new EPCC Membership (terms vary). Business owners, new and established, are invited to join us for all 3 of these classes – February 5, March 5, and April 2. Those that complete all 6 modules of this course will receive an EPCC Education Certificate.
Each of the 3 classes will cover 2 of 6 modules. In February, we will start by reviewing an overview about business plans, as well as setting up your company overview. In March, we will dive into polishing your product/service offerings, and go over marketing and sales strategies. Finally, in April, we will discuss management plans as well as financial basics.
*Ask us about scholarships -
Course Objectives:
Program Highlights:
Feb 5 Details
Module 1 Business Plan Power Punch Overview
Module 2 Company Overview
Mar 5 Details
Module 3 Product & Service
Module 4: Marketing & Sales Strategy
Apr 2 Details
Module 5: Management Plan
Module 6: Financial Summary & Offering
Instructor Credentials: Ben Nolte, MBA
East Portland Chamber of Commerce is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization | 503-788-8589