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The East Portland Chamber of Commerce Endorses the YES for Affordable Homes Bond Measure

October 17, 2016 9:59 AM | Deleted user

The East Portland Chamber of Commerce (EPCC) is pleased to announce our support for the historic Yes for Affordable Homes campaign to create homes for Portlanders who are in the greatest need in this housing crisis. This $258.4 million affordable housing bond will create permanently affordable housing for tens of thousands of people over the life of the homes, and marks the first time that Portlanders will be able to vote in support of affordable housing. We write today to ask you—one of our key supporters—to join this critical and momentous campaign.

The mission of the East Portland Chamber of Commerce is to provide a voice for members and businesses on the Eastside. Our work has been increasingly challenged by the housing crisis that rages in our region. With Portland one-bedroom apartments renting at an average of $1,400, so many hardworking families can’t keep up and can’t find homes they can afford. Too many Portlanders are suffering in our communities, in shelters, in parking lots, and under our bridges because Portland very simply lacks enough affordable homes for those who need them most.

That’s why the success of this first ever ballot measure for affordable homes is important to the well-being of the city we love and it’s why EPCC supports it. When you vote Yes for Affordable Homes on November 8, you’ll be and building a better Portland for all.

Please join us and lend your support to Yes For Affordable Homes. Sign up to learn more and get involved at

After all, home is where it all begins. It’s where we set out each day fresh and rested. It’s where we started out on our educational, professional and personal paths. It’s where we begin and grow our families. Everyone needs a safe and stable start to each and every day. Together, we can make Portland a place everyone can afford to call home.

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